Denton Cycles

1985 SB7393 Reynolds 531P


SB7393 dates to 1985 and is one of a range of 531 Pro frames built by the SBDU. This is a 531 Pro (no chrome plating). The paint is original and has lovely contrasting red and grey colours. The bike has a good mix of Mavic, Simplex and Campagnolo and was original ordered and used for Time Trials

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SB7393 1985 SBDU Ilkeston Reynolds 531 Professional
SB7393 is a 1985 Reynolds 531 Professional SBDU bike that I picked up last year. Since then I've slowly been ...
Time Trial frame? Road frame? Or a bit of both? What exactly is it? SB7393 came with a story that ...
When you have a get a good look at the paint on SB7393 you can see that it isn't the ...
Now that Eroica Britannia is out of the way and work on SB4059 is complete (for now), I can turn ...
Another email, another road trip, another bike. I was sitting with my feet up on holiday at the end of ...

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